January 28, 2009

What Makes Our Marriage Work

We started out as really good friends. We dated a long time (2 years) so we really got to know each other.  We have similar goals, interests, financial philosophies and backgrounds.  We were both raised in similar family situations. Our parents both have/had strong marriages and instilled the same types of values in their children. We both have the same level of commitment to our religious beliefs and talk openly about what we believe. We express our love to each other openly and verbally.  We have similar senses of humor. We both have a desire to make our marriage work, and are willing to communicate with each other and forgive each other when we have a disagreement. 

We were married in the temple, for time and all eternity, and we covenanted with God to honor each other and support each other and to be committed to our marriage.  We serve each other and express appreciation for the service we receive from each other. We have a healthy intimate relationship. We pray together and worship together. We apologize to each other when we've offended. We work together and share responsibilities around the home and in our day-to-day lives. We give each other the freedom to have our own interests, hobbies and time. We certainly don't have a perfect marriage, but it's been pretty great so far, and we've both noticed that it is getting stronger all the time.